J & M Yeomans Limited Educational Psychology

Dr Jane Yeomans has substantial experience of supervision as a fieldwork supervisor and Academic and Professional Tutor for the University of Birmingham Professional Training course in Educational Psychology. She has completed a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited training course in supervision.

The Q & As below give some basic information about the supervision services offered.
Please contact Jane if you have any other queries about supervision, or want to make a booking. 

Who is it for?
Jane offers supervision for the following professional groups:

  • Educational Psychologists (EPs)
  • Assistant Psychologists (APs) working in educational settings or services
  • Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Staff working in private or voluntary sector pre school and early years settings

Supervision sessions are normally one to one, but group supervision will be considered. Please make contact to discuss your specific requirements; go to the contact us page of the website by clicking the button here 

What’s the focus and purpose?
The main focus is on the supervisee’s practice. Professional supervision offered covers the generic EP/AP role, or in the case of school or early years staff, aspects of their role that relate to SEND. The focus of supervision is open to negotiation, depending on need, but typically might consist of discussion of specific cases or a particular aspect of practice (for example, assessment). Overall the purpose of supervision is to offer supervisees ‘a confidential and reflective space.......to consider their work and their responses to it’ (Professional Supervision: Guidelines for Practice for Educational Psychologists. Division of Educational and Child Psychology)

What happens in supervision?
Jane uses a model of supervision that allows for a balanced discussion covering the supervisee’s professional development, support for the supervisee in dealing with the emotional challenges of their role and, in the case of HCPC Practitioner Psychologists, standards compliance.

What about specific aspects of practice?
Supervision covers a wide range of practice related to SEND/inclusion. However, sometimes it is useful to focus on very specific aspects of practice.
Due to Jane's substantial experience in the practice of Dynamic Assessment, she is able to offer supervision sessions that focus specifically on this approach. These sessions can cover a range of DA practice, such as:

  • Test selection
  • Casework discussion with a DA ‘focus’
  • Integrating DA with other assessment methods
  • Coaching in the use of specific DA tests
  • Interpretation of DA
  • How to report and feed back findings
  • Reading reports and giving feedback

Where and when?
Supervision sessions are best carried out face to face. Jane usually sees supervisees at her home in Birmingham. However, the venue can be negotiated depending on supervisee’s circumstances (for example, supervision might be carried out in a school or early years setting). If there are circumstances where a face-to-face meeting is not possible (for example, for specialist DA supervision which is not available in the supervisee’s locality), it is possible to conduct the session using FaceTime or Skype.
Timing of sessions is negotiated with the supervisee. Daytime or evening sessions can be offered.

How long and how often?
Sessions are a minimum of one hour. An hour and a half is the most appropriate length.
There are no set rules about how often professional supervision should take place. Once every half term is a suitable level of frequency, unless the supervisee is undertaking some particularly challenging casework. In this case Jane recommends monthly sessions.

How much does it cost?
The cost is £40.00 per hour. Therefore a typical supervision session will cost £40 to £60.
A 10% discount is given for advance booking of 6 x 1.5 hour sessions (which will cover supervision time for an academic year). Payment in full of £324.00 prior to session one, with subsequent sessions arranged to suit.
