
​​Dr Jane Yeomans has substantial experience of research, development and project work, through the following:

  • ​Completion of her own PhD
  • ​Supervision of doctoral students; to date all Jane's students have been awarded a pass
  • ​Teaching critical reading and academic writing to doctoral students
  • ​Involvement in research, development and project work as a Local Authority Educational Psychologist. Jane held a specialist senior post for research and development (R&D). Some examples of the R&D work undertaken were a project to examine the practice of consultation in a multi professional support service, support for an assistant psychologist evaluating the SEAL programme in the Local Authority, a project to look at the impact of a nurture group in a Key Stage 3 setting (this was written up in a peer reviewed journal)
  • ​Carrying out literature searches and reviews on specific topics
  • ​Writing and tutoring the Enquiry module for Real Training. This module forms the dissertation element of the Master's programme and therefore focuses on students implementing a piece of practitioner research
  • ​examination of doctoral theses as internal examiner at the University of Birmingham and as external examiner at the University of Manchester, UCL, University of Exeter and the Institute of Education.

What might research, development and project work look like?

Clearly this work will be responsive to the needs of the organisation that commissions the work. However, it can take a variety of forms, such as:

  • ​A literature review. This entails a search of relevant academic literature on a particular topic with the findings presented in writing
  • ​A short term project looking at a specific intervention or initiative (for example, looking at the outcomes of an intervention to address some aspect of SEND over one or two terms;
  • ​A longer piece of research that looks at an aspect of the organisation as a whole (for example, looking at a school's behaviour management policies and approaches; looking at whole school policy and practice for meeting pupils' social, emotional and mental health needs; looking at a school or setting's approach to inclusion)​. This type  of research might be spread over an academic year.

​What kind of activities would take place?

​This depends on what's being investigated. The kind of activities that might take place are:

  • interviews
  • focus groups
  • questionnaires
  • ​data collection before and after an intervention is implemented

All of the above might involve pupils, staff and parents at a school or setting.

What does Jane bring to research, development and project work? We could just do it ourselves!

Jane brings a wealth of experience of this type of work and her involvement is likely to have the following benefits:

  • ​Being able to work with you to help you to identify exactly what the focus of your concerns are so that the research or project has clear boundaries and focus
  • ​Knowing how to make sure that the work meet the highest ethical standards, in accordance with BERA (British Educational Research Association) guidelines
  • Knowing what kind of approach to research is best suited for the agreed focus
  • Knowing what kind of methods are most suitable for the kind of data that is needed
  • ​Knowing how to analyse the information and data obtained
  • ​Being able to write up a clear and readable account of the research

​How does it happen and what does it cost?

​If you are interested in some research, development or project work then the first step is to contact Jane. Jane will give a free telephone or email consultation in order to find out if she can help and to think about some possible ways of doing so.

​If you then wish to proceed, a follow face to face consultation will be arranged. This will last around an hour and a half. The purpose of this meeting is:

  • ​to clarify precisely the focus of the work
  • ​to agree broadly how the work will be carried out
  • ​to agree the timescale, the amount if time that Jane will give to the work and the cost for this time

​​There is a charge of £150.00 for this meeting, which includes some travel time and costs and the preparation of a written summary and quote.

Jane's publications

Arnold, C. and Yeomans, J (2005) Psychology for Teaching Assistants. Stoke: Trentham Books. Second Edition published 2012.

Yeomans, J. and Arnold, C. (2006) Teaching, Learning and Psychology.  London: David Fulton

Arnold, C., Yeomans, J. and Simpson, S. (2009). Excluded from School: Complex Discourses and Psychological Perspectives. Stoke: Trentham Books.

Yeomans, J. and Bowen, P. (2002). Accelerating the progress of failing readers: an evaluation of the ENABLE-Plus programme pilot study. British Journal of Special Education, 29, 4.

Yeomans, J. (2008). Dynamic Assessment Practice: Some suggestions for follow up. Educational Psychology in Practice, 24, 2, 105-114

Cooke, C., Yeomans, J. and Parkes, J. (2008). The Oasis: Nurture Group Provision for Key Stage 3 pupils. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 13, 4, 291-303

​Research, development and project work